Assessment Policy
Springfield Central State High School has high expectations for academic integrity and student participation and engagement in learning and assessment.
Assessment is expected to be submitted/completed by a student on or before the due date/time stipulated in the assessment conditions.
Due dates for draft work, checkpoints, exams and final responses are published in the assessment schedule for a respective year level and communicated by staff in a number of formats, including task sheets and reminders in class. The assessment schedule for all students will be published at the start of each semester, see below:
Assessment Schedules
Assessment schedules are emailed to all students
by the end of Week 1 each term. We encourage students and parents to refer to these assessment planners
throughout the semester in order to stay on top of deadlines and assessment
requirements. For any questions related to assessment, please contact your
student’s teacher or the relevant Head of Department.
Click here to see list of Staff