Springfield Central State High School upholds high expectations for academic integrity, student participation, and engagement in learning and assessment. Our assessment policies ensure fairness, accountability, and a commitment to excellence in student learning outcomes.
Assessment Expectations
Students are required to complete and submit assessments on or before the stipulated due date/time as outlined in the assessment conditions. This includes:
Draft submissions
Final responses
Assessment Schedules
Assessment schedules are published at the start of each semester and outline all due dates for assessment tasks. These schedules are:
Emailed to all students by the end of Week 1 of each term.
Communicated by teachers through task sheets, in-class reminders, and digital platforms.
Students and parents are encouraged to regularly refer to the assessment planners to stay on top of deadlines and ensure assessment requirements are met.
Need Support?
For any queries regarding assessment requirements, students and parents should contact:
At Springfield Central SHS, we are committed to fostering a culture of responsibility, academic integrity, and achievement through structured assessment practices.