Some students choose to enhance their learning by undertaking nationally recognised training through external providers while remaining enrolled at school. These opportunities provide valuable skills and qualifications that contribute to future career pathways.
How to Apply for an External Course
Courses and traineeships are advertised through student notices, school noticeboards, and emails.
Students must obtain parental permission to enrol in an external training opportunity.
Permission forms are available for download on this page or can be collected from the Senior Pathways Office.
All applicants will be interviewed by the Senior Pathways Team to ensure they select the right pathway and understand course expectations.
Study Line & Independent Study Support
Students accepted into an external course will be required to drop an existing subject, allowing them to have a study line.
Study lines provide additional time for students to succeed in their school program and external course.
Support is available in the Independent Study Line (ISL) room.
Flexi Leave for Year 11 & 12 Students
Students with a study line in Period 1 or 4 may apply for Flexi Leave.
Flexi Leave allows students to start school later (10:20 AM) or leave early (1:30 PM) to support their studies.
All Flexi Leave approvals must be granted by the Senior School Deputy Principal.
Flexi Leave forms are available in the ISL room.
Student Expectations
To participate in an external course, students must:
✔ Demonstrate appropriate behaviour, effort, and attendance at school.
✔ Represent Springfield Central SHS by upholding Respect, Resilience, Relationships, and Responsibility.
✔ Keep up with missed classwork due to external study and work commitments.
External Courses Offered
To cater to diverse student interests, we offer access to Certificate I, II, III, IV & Diploma external course providers, including:
VET in Schools (VETis) Funding
Many Certificate I & II courses are eligible for VETis funding.
Students can only access VETis funding once, so it’s important to choose wisely to avoid wasting funding.
Popular Courses Our Students Are Enrolled In:
Certificate I in Construction
Certificate III in Engineering—Technical
Diploma of Business
Certificate II/III in Health Support Services
Certificate II in Animal Studies
Certificate II in Salon Assistant
Certificate II in Automotive
Certificate III in Design Fundamentals
Certificate IV in Crime and Justice Studies
And many more!
School-Based Traineeships & Apprenticeships
School-based traineeships and apprenticeships allow students to gain hands-on industry experience while earning credits towards a nationally recognised qualification.
✔ One day per week in the workplace.
✔ Paid work experience with a host employer.
✔ Additional hours may be negotiated during school holidays.
Popular School-Based Traineeships & Apprenticeships:
Interested in an external course or traineeship?
Visit the Senior Pathways Office to explore your options and take the next step towards your career goals!
Amy McNamara - Head of Department Pathways
Alison Russell - Administration