Senior Language Program:
General Subject – Two year course (Contributes to ATAR score)
Students have studied the Year 10 Japanese course and achieved a B standard minimum
Course Overview:
Japanese provides students with the opportunity to reflect on their understanding of the Japanese language and the communities that use it, while also assisting in the effective negotiation of experiences and meaning across cultures and languages. Students participate in a range of interactions in which they exchange meaning, develop intercultural understanding and become active participants in understanding and constructing written, spoken and visual texts. Students communicate with people from Japanese-speaking communities to understand the purpose and nature of language and to gain understanding of linguistic structures. They acquire language in social and cultural settings and communicate across a range of contexts for a variety of purposes. Students experience and evaluate a range of different text types; reorganise their thinking to accommodate other linguistic and intercultural knowledge and textual conventions; and create texts for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
- Business
- Hospitality
- Law
- Science
- Technology
- Sociology
- Education
- Translation and Interpreting
- Hotel Management
- Tourism
Course Structure:
Year 11 Japanese
Unit 1 - 私のくらし (My World)
- Family/carers and friends
- Lifestyle and Leisure
- Education
Unit 2 – 私達のまわり(Exploring our World)
- Travel
- Technology and Media
- The contribution of Japanese culture to the world
Year 12 Japanese
Unit 3 - 私達の社会 (Our Society)
- Our Relationships
- Socialising and connecting with my peers
- Groups in Society
Unit 4 - 私の将来 (My Future)
- Finishing secondary school, plans and reflections
- Responsibilities and moving on
In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive an overall subject result (A–E).
University Bonus Points Scheme
Many universities offer students studying another language bonus points for entry into their courses. Bonuses will be added after ATARs are calculated, according to individual tertiary institution rules, when an applicant's QTAC application is assessed.