
​Enrolment Process and Policy


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Enrolling at Springfield Central SHS – Everything You Need to Know

Springfield Central State High School welcomes students who reside within our local catchment area, as well as a limited number of out-of-catchment enrolments where capacity allows. Our school enrolment management plan​ ensures fairness, transparency, and prioritises students who are part of our local school community.

In-Catchment Enrolments

Step 1:Expression of Interest​
Step 2:​Enrolment Pack
​​Step 3:
Enrolment Interview
​Step 4:
​Orientation Day

If you live within the Springfield Central SHS catchment area, your child is entitled to enrol at the school. We also reserve places throughout the school year for families moving into the catchment.

Proof of Residency Requirements To confirm your address within the catchment, parents or legal guardians must provide:

  • One primary source (e.g. a current rental/lease agreement, rates notice, or unconditional contract of sale).

  • One secondary source (e.g. a utility bill such as electricity or gas, showing the same address and the parent’s/legal guardian’s name).

If further verification is needed, additional documents may be requested, including water bills, bank statements, driver’s licences, or statutory declarations.

Special Circumstances for In-Catchment Enrolment

Some students residing outside the catchment may still be eligible to enrol, including:

  • Siblings of currently enrolled students (excluding those in Programs of Excellence).

  • Students under a child protection order.

  • Children of staff employed by the school.

  • Students with a verified disability, if SCSHS provides the closest suitable program.

  • Students residing in remote areas without another accessible school.

Out-of-Catchment Enrolments

Step 1:​Expression of Interest​
Step 2:​Payment of $50 processing fee
Step 3:Placed on a waitlist in order of receipt

Applying from outside the catchment? Here’s what you need to know:

  • Out-of-catchment enrolment is subject to capacity and placements are not guaranteed.

  • Applications are recorded on a waiting list and assessed in order of receipt.

  • Priority is given to students applying for a Program of Excellence, subject to meeting selection criteria.

  • Future enrolment growth is considered before offering places to out-of-catchment students.

Enro​​​​​lment Fees & Processing

In line with the State Education Fees Procedure, the school may charge an enrolment processing fee for out-of-catchment applications. This fee is subject to approval from the Parents and Citizens’ Association and is generally applied where applications result in additional administrative costs, such as testing and assessments.

The Enrolment Decision Process

All enrolment decisions are made by the Principal.

  • If an application is unlikely to succeed, a preliminary notice will be provided.

  • Applicants have 7 school days to respond to the preliminary decision.

  • If no response is received, the decision becomes final.

  • If a response is submitted, the Principal will review and make a final determination.

  • There is no internal appeal process for enrolment decisions.

For complaints regarding an enrolment decision, applicants may refer to:

Need More Information?

For full details on the enrolment policy, catchment verification, or out-of-catchment applications, contact our Enrolments Officer at 📞 (07) 3470 6230 or email

Springfield Central SHS is committed to ensuring a fair, structured, and transparent enrolment process, allowing every student the opportunity to thrive in our vibrant learning community!​

Last reviewed 10 March 2025
Last updated 10 March 2025