Being Absent? Let Us Know!
Attendance matters! If you're going to be away, your parent or carer must notify the school as soon as possible. If we don’t receive notification, an automatic SMS alert will be sent to your parent/carer.
Remember: If you're under 17 years old and haven't completed Year 10, attending school is compulsory by law.
Running Late? Here's What to Do!
Punctuality is key! All students are expected to be at school by 8:55 AM. If you’re late:
Before 9:05 AM: Go straight to your CARE class and ensure your attendance is recorded.
After 9:05 AM: Report to the Student Hub to get a Late Pass.
A note or explanation from a parent/caregiver will be required for your lateness to be approved.
Tip: Give yourself extra time in the morning to avoid rushing!
Need to Leave Early? Follow These Steps!
Leaving early isn't as simple as walking out the door! Here's how it works:
Bring a note from your parent/caregiver and present it at Student Services before CARE class.
You’ll receive a “Request to Leave” pass (this is NOT a leave pass yet!).
Show the pass to your teacher at the time you need to leave.
Report to the Student Hub to sign out before leaving.
If a parent is collecting you, they must contact the School Office.
Leaving without following this process? Not an option!
Leaving School Grounds for Lunch? Think Again!
No student is allowed to leave the school grounds during the day.
There are no lunch passes issued, so make sure you bring everything you need for the day!
Plan ahead and pack your lunch or grab something from the school canteen!