International students enrolled in an EQI high school study program are required to have suitable accommodation and welfare arrangements in place and can either:
- Reside with a parent, legal custodian or relative approved by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), or
- Have their welfare undertaken through the Education Queensland International (EQI)

If a student chooses to live with an
EQI approved homestay provider, then
EQI is responsible for approving the arrangements for the student’s accommodation, support and general welfare.
Our school is fully accredited by
EQI and has authorised school staff responsible for managing the international student program. Our school staff will carefully assess and approve homestay providers, to ensure students are provided with a safe and supportive home environment whilst they undertake their
EQI study program.
StudentsLiving within a different culture will be a very new experience, and it will take time to adjust to this new living environment. It is expected that you will experience many different emotions and even homesickness at times. Please know that this is a normal part of the adjustment process, and that there will always be a school international staff member available to assist you with any homestay problems you may have during your study program.
Australia is a multicultural society and there is no “typical” Australian family. Your host family may have originally come from another country but now lives in Australia and identify as being Australian. Australian families usually have a mother, father, children and pets (usually a dog or a cat, or both). It is also common to find “single parent” families where either the mother or the father is responsible for keeping the home and providing care for the children.
The cost of living in Australia is very high, and it is common that both parents work, share household chores and provide care for their children. Australian parents are very busy, and children are expected to help keep the family home clean and tidy. Your homestay parents will warmly welcome you into their home and will also want to include you in their family activities. It is expected that you will be an active, involved and communicative member of the family, and also help keep the home clean and tidy.