Springfield Central State High School has resolved to leave no stone unturned in the search for teaching excellence for the betterment of all our students. Pedagogy is how teachers teach and students learn at each stage of schooling in an inclusive education system. Though classroom instructional strategies should clearly be based on sound science and research, knowing when to use them and with whom, is more of an art and teachers at Springfield Central State High School strive for excellence in this art.
Teaching teams employ effective pedagogical practices based on 3 principles to differentiate teaching and learning and ensure every student is engaged, challenged, feels safe to take risks in learning and is supported to develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to succeed at Springfield Central State High School.
The 3 principles of effective pedagogical practice are:
- The Curriculum
- The Learning
- The Learner
In the Curriculum, teachers consider the disciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of the curriculum and identify and employ effective discipline-specific pedagogy in each of the learning areas of the Prep to Year 10 Australian Curriculum as well as studies undertaken in Years 11 and 12. Teachers identify and embed the interdisciplinary skills from the general capabilities, cross-curriculum priorities of the Australian Curriculum and the 21st century skills from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority in the context of the learning areas and senior subjects.
In the Learning, teachers consider the nature of learning, how learning occurs and how students move through the process of learning to identify where the learner is in the learning process to identify and employ evidence-informed pedagogical practices and high-impact teaching strategies in relation to how students learn.
The Learner is always at the centre of teaching and learning at Springfield Central State High School, where teachers consider the nature of the learner, characterised by age, development, stage of schooling and diversity of learners in preparing effective teaching by identifying and employing pedagogical practices and high-impact teaching strategies that respond to student needs to lead to successful transitions and achievement of the expected learning.
It is through a whole school approach to pedagogy which relies on intentional collaboration and a shared understanding within and across teaching teams that has Springfield Central State High School as a leader in teaching and learning in the Greater Ipswich area.