
Work Experience


​​​​​​​​​​​Work Experience is a highly valued activity at our school and students are strongly encouraged to take this opportunity to gain a broader understanding of the world of work.  Attending Work Experience gives students the opportunity to gain a range of knowledge, skills and attributes relevant to a wide range of work environments.  This includes:

  • The development of employability skills;
  • Increasing the connections between learning in the classroom and learning in the workplace;
  • Facilitating an awareness of knowledge and skills required in workplaces; and
  • Facilitating an awareness of future career or training opportunities.


Students need to organise their own Work Experience placement through personal contacts or local businesses. The Principal reserves the right to refuse a student's participation in Work Experience if they deem they will not be able to reflect the school's core values in the community.

Students are able to select the week they wish to complete Work Experience and should consult assessment calendars before pursuing a placement.

Specific details

  • Students can do up to 30 days work experience each calendar year
  • Students should do a normal work week. Ideally this would be 40 hours across 5 days, one week per term only.
  • Students should seek placements no further than 20 kilometres away from our school. Placements further afield will need special approval by the HOD of Pathways
  • Work Experience is an unpaid activity
  • Students are insured through the Department of Education
  • Students can do work experience in any school term but not on weekends or during holidays ​
Work Experience application forms must be submitted a minimum of two weeks before the experience is due to begin

How to organise Work Experience

1.       Preparing for Work Experience

  • Discuss Work Experience goals with Parents and Guardians
  • Select suitable times that wont impact heavily on assessment
  • Investigate businesses that will help develop the skills and knowledge needed for your future career choices. Create a list of options.
  • Update your resume
  • Practice asking for Work Experience opportunities ( see script in resources for help)
  • Talk to Seniors Pathways staff if you need help

2.       Organise Work Experience

  • Dress appropriately
  • Contact businesses and request placement
  • Fill out Permission form. Ensure you, your parent/ guardian and Work Experience Provider sign relevant sections. *The Principals signature will be collected by the Pathways staff once submitted

3.       Seek school approval for your Work Experience

  • Click on the apply now link
  • Upload your permission form
  • Approval/ Disapproval will be emailed to you
  • The Pathways office will contact your Work Experience Provider to finalise placement details and requirements.

4.       Prepare for Work Experience

  • Contact your employer the week before you start to ensure you know all relevant details including where to go, what to wear and what to bring.
  • Ensure you know start and finish times

During Work Experience please remember

  1. ​​Follow our school core values of Respect, Resilience, Responsibility and Relationships at all times
  2. Report issues and concerns to your Work Experience Provider and/ or the Pathways office
  3. Download and print your timesheet. Have it signed each day by your supervisor.
  4. Dress appropriately for your work place
  5. Following safety instructions carefully
  6. Ask questions
  7. Check your school emails
  8. If you are sick or need to be absent contact your Work Experience Provider and the Pathways Office
  9. Complete your reflection survey after your last day, and upload your time sheet


Information for Work Experience Providers

Work Experience is a wonderful way for businesses to support local students alongside trialling and mentoring future employees.

Work Experience can include a range of activities that are suitable for your work place. This includes observation, shadowing another employee or completing tasks appropriate to a student skill level. 

Work Experience is an unpaid activity.

Work Experience students are insured by the Department of Education ( Workcover and Liability)

As part of the work skills development program, we ask students to contact employers to arrange their placement including suitable work hours, attire, contact information and any other information that is essential to their success.

Before the placement begins, Work Experience Providers will be contacted by our school and inducted into the program.

During the week we ask employers to complete two simple surveys. One at the beginning of the week to confirm the student's progress and one at the end of the week to obtain feedback about the student's performance. This feedback will help our school develop individual and whole school approaches to ensuring our students are employable after they graduate.

Businesses and their staff are supported by our school during Work Experience with staff available to help with any issues or concerns.

If you are interested in participating in the program please contact pathways​


Last reviewed 27 July 2023
Last updated 27 July 2023