Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) is Queensland's senior secondary schooling qualification. It is internationally recognised and provides evidence of senior schooling achievements.
Find further information on the QCE for parents/carers at QCE guide for parents and carers.
Students wanting to know more about the QCE and plan their QCE pathway can utilise the QCE planning your pathway provided by the QCAA.
MyQCE is a website resource designed by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) to support students to understand the QCE and monitor their progress towards achieving their QCE. Click Here to visit the MyQCE website to find out more about the QCE, their progress towards achieving their QCE and future pathway options.
To find out more visit QCE or download the QCE requirements flyer which provides further information from the QCAA on the QCE for students.