Springfield Central State High School offers a diverse range of subject
offerings for students studying Queensland curriculum in General, Applied and
Vocational subjects (unit 1-4). Further information on our Senior School subject offerings is available in our Senior Pathways Handbook. The Senior Pathways Handbook provides students and parent/carers with a summary of subject-specific information for every subject offering, including information such as a course overview, course structure and assessment overview.
Springfield Central State High School students endeavour to achieve their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or Queensland Certificate
of Individual Achievement (QCIA) during the course of their Senior studies. Furthermore, our Senior students may complete an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR), Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification, in school or externally, or Certificate III or higher qualification e.g. Diploma, while participating in their desired educational pathway.
Central SHS students are supported by a SCSHS Assessment Policy that guides practices for the school, staff and
students relating to assessment during unit 1-4 courses.
Students wanting to find out more about Senior School at Springfield Central SHS are encouraged to contact a member of the Senior Team - Successful
Futures Team. Prospective Senior School enrolments should contact the Administration for further information.
Springfield Central State High School endeavours to support every student to achieve success in their educational pathway.
Our school supports every student to aspire towards achieving their
Queensland Certificate of Education or Queensland Certificate of
Individual Achievement during the course of their Senior studies.
Senior School - FAQ
- “What if my student does not know what they want to do?" Highway Days are the days we talk careers – so students need to be at school for these days like any other time.
- What if my student is not sure what they want to study? A good place for your student to start: https://study.uq.edu.au/stories/dont-know-what-to-study
- QTAC centralises and helps you navigate the 17 higher education providers in Qld and Northern NSW – key dates and timelines and applications – all of this information can be found https://www.qtac.edu.au/key-info/#qtac-dates/ Your student can set up their online portal – now! (just don't use their school email address).
- Mrs Murray (Guidance Officer) sends out information about early entry to QTAC and she is a great source of information – your student can book an appointment by sending her an email on rmurr124@eq.edu.au
- ATAR calculator that's a good indicator https://qce.atarcalc.com/#{}